I Have Arrived!

My 2 year anniversary to my gastric bypass surgary is quickly approaching! On February 5, 2009 it will be 2 years ago exactly that I ‘went under the knife’ and had my insides cut and rewired. It is and I maintain always will be one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life.

At the insistence of my family I called my surgeon’s office and they moved my 2 year appointment up by a month because I kept losing weignt.

Besides all the blood test they have you do (to check your vitamins, etc) that is required to monitor you after weight loss surgery, I had also recently went for my check up to see my endocrinoligist who treats me for my hashimoto’s disease (thyroid). He too ran a whole panel of blood work.

Praise the Lord that all the blood work from both doctors came back great! My vitamins look good (and I must confess I forget to take them a lot of the time; something I intend to correct), my cholesteral, blood sugar, liver function, kidney funtions, and everything else they tested me is super. My blood pressure is great and of course there is my weight. It is….. well….. as told by 4 different doctors and 2 nurse practitionsers ‘great’ and ‘perfect’.

My nurse practitioner at my surgeons office said my BMI…. 21.9…. is right smack dab in normal range. I have lost 162-165  lbs, my nurse practitioner stated I lost 93% of my body fat! Yes that is right! 93% of my body fat! I even called the next day to make sure that was the right percentage because it just sounded like too much.

 Now about 7 lbs of it is probably skin but still, it is a great weight, however, as she said I do not need to lose absolutely anymore weight. In fact she said I could probably stand to gain 5 or so pounds. The high end of what a healthy weight would be for me would be 12 to 15 lbs higher that what I am now (depending on what I weigh). As with anyone, my weight fluctuates within a 5 lbs. So depending on what it is, I could gain as much as 12-15  or so lbs.  I don’t want to though! I want to stay right where I am!

She actually wants me to add an afternoon snack to my daily food intake. She suggested maybe a fruit and slice of cheese or fruit and peanut butter.  I will see how it goes. For now I will do what I can to keep it level and remember to take my vitamins! I also need to start walking more.

So I guess I have arrived. I have found my weight. I am 5 ft 8 in tall, 40 something and weigh 10- 12 lbs less than I did when I graduated from high school! I will take it!

My main objective of having this blog, however, is to encourage those out there who might be contemplating weight loss surgery as an option.  Gastric Bypass is a BIG surgery. It is a BIG deal. And it it a BIG decision. I have seen and heard several horror stories locally from this one surgeon who I thank God I did not choose! Everyone I know who had him is either still heavy or has had nothing by problems. On the other hand everyone I know who had my surgeon is doing well. Sure, there are a few bumps in the road but overall  things have gone great.

If I can even help or encourage one person then that makes it worthwhile.

So now it is the maintaining game.  With God’s help, I know I can do it!

Here are a few more pics. My husband is really into photography so he  took a few pics of me. Lucky for him I did not break his camera!




2 Year Anniversary Appointment Moved Up!!!!!!

I ate a lot over the Christmas holiday. I did not deprive myself. I enjoyed every goody and each meal to the fullest. I figured I would put on a few pounds.

Now I had dropped to my all time lowest right before Christmas Eve. This is only 8 lbs more than I weighed when I was 12 years old (in 7th grade).  At this point this meant I dropped 12 (more) pounds in just the last 2 months alone. My family is actually getting worried. Some people are saying my face looks ‘too thin’ but I don’t see how that can be. Part of me welcomes this bonus weight loss! I mean what woman wouldn’t! However at 25 lbs below goal and with a very large bone structure I do have to wonder why I am still losing weight nearly 2 years post op. So at the insistence of my husband and youngest daughter (and now my mother-in-law in Ireland when my husband told her what was going on), I called my surgeon’s office. They moved the 2 year anniversary appointment up to the closest date they could get for me which is Jan 7th. They want to see as soon as possible.

So, after all the food I ate I wake up this morning to find I am back down to that ‘lowest’ weight again. The one I was at a few days before Christmas Eve. I had went up 2 lbs and now am back. down. I don’t know how that can be with all I ate over the holiday, but it was right there. Last night I even made myself very sick to my tummy after eating 2 cookies. This is absolutely crazy……. I have been eating cookies for 3 days. I go and eat 2 small cookies and get really sick to my stomach after days of eating these cookies (frosted sugar cookies my daughter and I had made). What was with that? While sugar can make a gastric bypass patient sick, I never figured I would be fine with something one day and then it totally make me unable even to eat my dinner the next day. This is a funny little roller coaster ride as a gastric bypass patient. However, yes, I would do it again a million times over. I will post again after my doctor’s appointment. I have no idea what they will say.

A blessed New Years to all.

*PS If you are reading this and did not see my last post I made just a few days ago with my most recent pictures, scroll down!  🙂

Getting Through The Holidays and Celebrity Meetings and Greetings!

Is That Me In Those Size 10 Pants?
Is That Me In Those Size 10 Pants?

I am now over 22 months out for surgery and all is going well. The scale seems to slowly (still) want to go downward. It is a very slow transition but nevertheless it seems to keep wanting to drift downward. Now I am not complaining. I am at times (depending on how my weight is fluctuating) at weights I have not seen since I was literally a child. However, I do know for my height and build and also from all of my doctors telling and urging my weight is ‘perfect’ that I really don’t need to lose anymore. The doctors have actually been telling me this for a while!  We are entering that time of year, however, where I will be eating extra goodies. I guess it is good to be down a bit on the scale so I have that bit of wiggle room.  I will say, however, I am very limited as to the amount and what goodies my pouch will allow me to consume. If I eat the smallest thing off, it will not agree with me.  I think that is one thing that helps me keep my weight somewhat down during the holiday season. Plus being so limited on the amounts I can eat. I am able to enjoy little bits of things though, so I do not in any way, shape or form feel deprived! And while I can’t pig out during a meal, as long as I can have a little bit of this and a litle bit of that, I am happy with that!

So where am I weight wise?  I am between 18-23 lbs below the goal set by my nurse practitioner for my surgeons office. That of course is the weight range I fluctuate between. Most of the time I set 21-23 below goal. This morning it was 22 lbs to be exact below goal. That would be a weight range of losing around 160ish-165ish or there abouts. As of this morning I have lost 164 lbs.

Fact my husband brought to my attention a while ago: I have lost more weight that I actually weigh.

I have a system that works for me and I stick to it. I do, however, allow myself to splurge on special occasions, etc. My goal is to start exercising after the 1st of the year too. I am not faithful enough about that!

Now wouldn’t you know the other day at work we had something exciting happen! A real life screen actor came to our site to meet and greet with all of us employees! He is the spokesperson for the company I work for. He signed autographs for all of us and even made all the ladies kiss him on the cheek! The actor was Wilford Brimley. He has been in such movies as “The China Syndrome”, “Absence of Malice”, “The Natural”,  “Cocoon”, and  “The Firm” just to name a few!

The reason I mention this is that the old me….. well, I would have been embarassed; even ashamed to meet him. I would have felt so self conscious. Now that I have the weight off, however, I was excited to meet him. Having been a fan for years, it was truly an exciting experience.  Mr. Brimley was a delight. He was funny, sweet, patient and just a true gentleman and I did not feel the least bit self conscious.

February will be my 2 year anniversary! I would not change a thing!!!!!!!!

Wilford Brimley and Me!
Wilford Brimley and Me!

The Quest To Maintain!

It has been a while since I hit goal so I thought I would check in and share on my never ending quest to maintain my weight. All is good! In fact it is better than good! I am now 15 lbs below goal! I am still losing weight! I now weigh 2 lbs less than I did when I graduated from high school =:-O !!!!!!! I really don’t know why this is. Believe me, I don’t starve myself! This is how a normal work day goes for me. I drink a protein shake and coffee in the morning at home. I take a banana and one of those pre-packed 100 calorie snacks (the Mr. Peanut butter crisps and Mr. Salty chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite) to have as a mid-morning snack at my desk at work. I also sip on water and diet coke all day. For lunch I have a weight watchers smart ones (I only really like two of them; I eat either the ravioli florentine or the fettucini with broccoli and both agree with me very well). I also have a baggie full of red seedless grapes. For dinner I have whatever we plan. We try to plan healthy dinners that have a variety of foods are are not overly fattening. Then for a treat I either have 2 slim a bears ice cream sandwiches (the 100 calorie ones) or two healthy choice fudgecicles (the 80 calorie ones) and that is it. Sometimes I will snack a bit here and there. Sometimes I will opt to take leftovers for lunch rather than the weight watchers smart ones.

On the weekends I pretty much eat the same way except I do allow myself to splurge at church life group or if our church small group meets, we go out for a meal (we don’t do that often; too expensive), or I just plain get the munchies.

So I am not starving myself but the weight still seems to want to be coming off! Believe me, I am NOT complaining!  🙂

I do really try to watch it, I will say. I will give myself that. I am super paranoid about gaining weight back. So maybe I am just really being careful and it is working.

Just to compare, I did save one of my biggest sizes of jeans. I will post the pics of me holding the jeans and actually getting into one leg of the jeans.

I will post in another month or two to let y’all know how it is going!  I will say this time and time again; having this surgery was the best decision I ever made in my life. I have zero regrets and would do it 10 times over again.

God Bless everyone!


Goal -3!!!!!!!

I did it! I did it! I did it! And then some! I reached my goal weight this week and lost and additional 3 lbs. I can’t believe I am finally here! It came faster than I thought it would which is fine by me.  I am pleased with the extra 3 lbs. as it gives me some wiggle room.  Now the question is, how do I stop and maintain? I don’t really know.

I may try to lose a little more. I would be fine with that. Maybe another 2 to 5 lbs. That would put me in my high school weight range. Much more than that and I think I would start looking a bit too bony for my height and bone structure. I am tall and big boned. I will never be ‘small’. I am just not built that way. However I can be healthy which is what I am now.

My whole adult life I have dreamed of getting to my goal weight and here I am. Now my next question is: what do I do next? Also, I still think I look fat. I am assured I don’t look fat, but I still see a fat girl in the mirror. I don’t quite know how to change my self image but with the good Lord’s help maybe that will change in time too.




One pound to goal!

It has taken a while but I am now one pound from goal. I just wanted to update to let you all know I have not fallen off the face of the earth! The last pounds are truly the hardest to get off. That is so true! However finally, here I am, 1 lb from goal and so excited. I may see if I can lose a few more pounds beyond goal. I will try anyway. However, just to get to goal will be very exciting. I did this in the midst of my daughters wedding and changing jobs so that is an even bigger feat. I will add a picture of me taken the day of my daughters wedding. I was about two pounds heavier than I am now but not a noticable difference. I will say this; I am working very hard to get to goal. I have to watch everything I put in my mouth. This surgery is not an ‘easy fix’. You still have to work very hard and watch everything you eat. The surgery is a tool. I am still the one doing all the work. Next post and pics will be at goal!

Reflecting At One Year

Yes, it has been one year. February 5th was my 1st ‘birthday’. I had my one year doctor appointment today. 124 lbs lighter and losing 70% of my body fat, I feel proud. The nurse practitioner was very proud of me. I guess I should be too. I am 17 lbs from goal. I did set a reasonable goal, one I know I can maintain and still be healthy.

My iron is a little low so I have to up my iron to two pills a day. Also there was a glitch in my protein (overall longterm). I know when it happened. I had a bad bout of diverticulitis a while back and basically did not eat for several days. My short term (now) protein is fine. The NP said it was showing that at some point in the past few months it dropped. I told her about the diverticulitis and how sick I was and it all made sense.

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. Do I have any regrets? NONE. Having this surgery changed my life and I have no regrets. Yes, there are rough days here and there and things I can’t have but nothing taste as good aas shopping at Old Navy or easing into those size 14 jeans feel.

One year later my doctors office is very pleased with my results. I am thrilled and blessed to have been able to have the surgery. Here is to getting this last 17 lbs off!

I know it will be hard, but I also know I can do it!

Out With The Old, In With The New!

Awwwwww, a new year. I love New Years. It always brings the hope of a fresh start.

 2007 was not a very good year for us. Well for the most part, it was not. The surgery was good, that I will attest. But everything else seemed to have the opposite of the midas touch. It has been one struggle after another and one loss after another. The death of my Dad cut so deep and hurt so badly. Work has been beyond any stress any one person should have to bear. I won’t go on, however, because I do not want to dwell or complain.

2008 will be better. I know it!

The loss of my weight, however, has been wonderful! Here I am one year since the last holiday season and 121 lbs lighter. That is like a whole small person. Yes, I have indulged this holiday season and gained a few lbs. However, that will easily come back off.

One struggle I did have up until a couple days before Christmas, however, that I would not wish on anyone is diverticulitis. It created stomach pain that had me doubled over. I never thought it would subside.  When I had it I was losing nearly a pound a day because I barely ate anything. I had no appetite. Finally after 2 rounds of Cipro and a lot or prayer, I feel good again. Praise God.

As for my surgery; would I do it again? YES, in a heartbeat! I have zero regrets about having the surgery. Sure there are foods I will never be able to eat again. I cannot eat the amounts others do. But that is OK! I am fine with that. The weight I have lost is worth it all!

I am about 25-30 lbs from goal. It is so weird. I have been trying to lose weight since age 10 and it will be strange to get to a point where I can stop. I don’t know how to ‘shut it off’. I have been so programmed into “I have to lose weight” that when I do make it to goal I feel like I will still be in that mind set.

Here are two pics; a before and after. One is me Christmas of 2006 and the 2nd is me of this Christmas just past 2007. There is 120+ lbs difference. Next pics will be when I get to goal.




I finally did it. After weeks of plateau’s and going a little up then a little down, I did it! I am 100 lbs down from my surgery date. That is 109 lbs down from consultation and 116 lbs down from my heaviest ever.

 There are a few reasons it took me so long.

1. No exercise. I sprained my ankle very badly several weeks ago and still struggle with pain and swelling from that. I do have a brace I can wear. Now that the weather is getting colder (I am freezing all the time and I have never been like this before), and the days shorter it is harder to find time to fit the walking in. STILL, that is NO excuse. I can clock out at work and walk the building if I need to. Where there is a will there is a way and I need to find it.

2. I am still very depressed over losing my Dad this past summer. I had no idea it would be *this* hard. However, it still has me very depressed and I miss him so much. It just makes everything more difficult.

3. My Hashimoto’s disease decided to swing again and the dosage on my meds had to be changed. Anyone with a thyroid condition knows it goes for the weight first. I will just leave that at that. No further explanation needed.

4. The biggest blame is on myself and my inability to stay out of the candy jar at work. There is no one to blame but me. I know better and though I feel blessed I can have some sugar there are other days I feel cursed and wish it just made me feel unwell. I don’t get it. I get some small pinwheel wraps from Wal Mart, eat only two of them, get an upset stomach…..yet I eat sugar and nothing. It makes no sense to me. This is when I pray to the Lord for strength and resistance. I have been getting better.

I eat well, I just have to watch my snacking. I get so anxious and uptight at work it really is a bad time for me.

So see……….this is not a magic cure all. You have to work the program for it to work for you too and I have learned it all too well.

The next few months are pivotal for me as I will be closing in on my one year and most people lose the majority of their weight in the first year. I think if I can just stay out of the candy jar and start walking I will be fine. My hashi’s seems stabilized right now.

It has been tough. But I did it…….it took a while, but I arrived.
I would like to lose another 35 lbs or so. I am a comfortable size 14 and in reality that is a dream come true for me. I was a size 26-28 when I started.

Here are the pics. My hair is really short now. Long story short: Hair was very dry on the end from the thyroid issue and the surgery after affects. I showed my wonderful hairdresser a pic and he cut it a bit shorter than I wanted. I did not really like it so he came back and layered it. I like it better layered but still think it is too short. I would love some comments because I am getting tons of compliments on it. Hmmmmmmmm………  I look like my mom too with the short hair. That is a good thing though, she is a beautiful woman. She also looks way younger than her years.
So here I am 100 lbs lighter from the 1st picture posted on my blog!



I did it! I did it! My first, I did it!

100 lbs from consultation! Yep 100 lbs and 91 lbs from my surgery date. I just wrote about being at a plateau for several weeks and as of this morning the scale was moving again! I am thrilled! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

One other sidenote on a number I forgot to mention was my bloodpressure. It has been running about 100 over 65. I have actually been cautioned not to let it get much LOWER than what it is! Ha! So another healthy number for me.

Pictures in 9 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!